- Best Way To Learn To Play Poker
- Best Way To Learn Poker
- Learning How To Play Poker
- Best Way To Learn Blackjack Basic Strategy

Slot players should seriously consider graduating to video poker, because they're much more likely to win that way. The only catch is that to enjoy the good odds, you have to learn the proper strategy. If you just guess then you could easily do worse than with slots. Videos and streams are perhaps poker’s most important learning method because of the new customers they bring to the game. They are also a very useful way to.
Have you ever found yourself mid-game staring at your HUD while facing an open from a player with an RFI stat of 21% and thought to yourself, “What hands are in his range?” Or while playing live, have you estimated that your opponent calls an open 40% of the time but didn’t know what hands comprise that range?
Best Way To Learn To Play Poker
Tournament Poker Coach works in a similar way to Poker Fighter. It offers a risk-free way to learning how to play the right way. It stimulates real-life games and players get evaluated by selected coaches, earning rewards for each hand they play right. Well, I’ll show you the easy way to learn poker ranges for quick reference in the future. First, here’s a Poker Range Chromatic I created for my own use: I wanted to learn where each hand falls within a range and the above is what I came up with. I used Flopzilla to figure out which hands fall within each percentage grouping.
Well, I’ll show you the easy way to learn poker ranges for quick reference in the future.
First, here’s a Poker Range Chromatic I created for my own use:

I wanted to learn where each hand falls within a range and the above is what I came up with. I used Flopzilla to figure out which hands fall within each percentage grouping. I just started with a 5% range, then went by 5’s up to 40%, then followed that with 10’s up through 60% then 75%. I used color coding to help visualize the ranges.
Best Way To Learn Poker

I then took the following steps to learn the ranges:
Learning How To Play Poker
- Printed the chromatic I made, laminated and posted it on the side of my computer monitor for quick in-game reference.
- Created 11 flash cards for use each night as part of my warm-up, and I put the following on them:
- For one week during my study session I would do a hand history review from the previous night’s session and each time I faced an open I looked at their RFI Stat in that position and determined what range it fell under. I would say aloud, “20% in the CO… that’s 22+, A7s+, ATo+, K9s+, KTo+, Q9s, QTo+, JTo and 98s+.” That’s all there was to it. After that first week I got them all down. This is especially helpful when playing live as I can’t glance to the side of my screen to get an estimate on an opp’s range. Now, it’s easier to remember the bottom of the ranges as you’re trying to learn these. So, when thinking about 20%, the bottoms are 33, A7s, ATo, Q9s, JTo and 98s. If you just remember those 6 hands for 20%, you know it includes everything better than those. So if the question arises for a hand like K8s, you know that K9s is the bottom at 25% and K7s is the bottom of 30%, so it’s within the 30% range and just under the 25% range.
Best Way To Learn Blackjack Basic Strategy
Please let me know if you would make tweaks to these ranges as I always love feedback.
Study hard and make your next session the best one yet!

- Smart Poker Study Audiobook Excerpts - March 4, 2021
- I Am Your Poker Coach - February 16, 2021
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