1. That’s on average—some people win big jackpots, and others lose it all. In reality, you’ll probably walk away with less than 90 percent, because the longer you play, the longer you keep giving the casino 10 percent of what you’re feeding the machine.
  2. The internet has a long history of scams, half-truths and deceptive advertising, so it's no surprise that people are a little skeptical of the whole idea of winning real money at a virtual casino. Well, the good news is that you can win money at online casinos. In fact, people do it every day.
  3. For people who are really good at Blackjack, the advantage for the casino might only be 0.5%, but certain types of slot machines might have a 35% edge over a player—other games fall somewhere in.
  4. With average results for these machines, we could expect about 10 jackpots. Depending on where you are in the casino, you might or might not see a slot player win big. The big win could come right next to you, or it might be all the way across the casino floor or in a different room or nook.

That is the most I have ever won at any online casino, and I won it at Slot O'Cash. Also, if you browse through the Perpetual Winners thread, you will see there was a former member who won TWO (I believe major) jackpots within a very short time.

Any online casino can be beaten playing online baccarat by using this software that has been developed by professional baccarat players.

Do People Win On Online CasinoCasino

Do People Win On Online Casinos

Give up your day job!

Imagine if you could consistently win $1500 to $2000 dollars a day playing from the comfort of your own home. What would you do with the money? Give up your day job, that's what. Or perhaps put some extra income into your pocket. Many people are doing just that.

Some facts

Baccarat is just about the best game to play in a casino as it has the lowest house edge at 1.3%. That means for every $1000 in bets the average player will lose just $13. Compare that to other popular games like roulette (3% to 5%, lose $30 to $50), blackjack (1.5% to 2.5%, lose $15 to $25), and slots (9% to 13%, lose a massive $90 to $130), and I think you get the picture.

However, when you play online baccarat at an online casino using the 'Win at Baccarat for Online Casino' software you can win up to $1650 a day for only 4 hours of easy play.

The Special Software

This software 'sits' on top of any online casino as a small window (so you can see the online casino easily) and it tells you when and where to bet. You don't have to know the rules of baccarat, you don't count cards, or anything like that.

How does the software know where to bet? Well it contains the Predictor System that has been developed by two professional baccarat players Patrick Moore and Wong Phat.

11 Benefits of the Predictor System Inside the Software

  • Win up to $1650 a day for only 4 hours play.
  • Win-rate is over 3.5 units per shoe after commission is paid
  • Win 6% of turnover
  • Bet over 70% of hands played (bet-rate)
  • Flat betting not progression
  • Small bankroll
  • Baccarat is NOT random, coin tossing is random
  • You track only 2 aspects of baccarat simultaneously
  • Mechanical and precise
  • No card counting
  • Not pattern recognition

Click here for MORE DETAILS about the benefits.

Thousands of Americans gamble online. But is online gambling legal? We break it down to show you what you can do, what you can't do, and what's still up in the air.

by Katherine Butler
updated September 03, 2020 · 2min read

The legality of online gambling is ever-changing. But one thing is constant: it makes a lot of money. Online gambling industry makes an estimated $1 billion dollars annually. This is a huge business, and a lot of people have cashed in on it. But it has led to some ambiguous legal issues, as the legality of online gambling is constantly being challenged.

There are differences in the legality of making bets, taking bets, facilitating payments to casinos, and advertising on websites. And there are constantly new legal challenges. So here is a breakdown of the law on online gambling.

Legal Forms of Gambling

There is no federal law against placing a wager online. So, you can legally place a bet online. However, a wager must not be placed on a site located in the United States. There is a small chance players might run afoul of state law, but there is little chance of prosecution. The only case cited where a person got into trouble with a state was in 2003. Jeffrey Trauman of North Dakota paid a $500 fine on over $100,000 of online sports bet winnings.

Sites that are set up outside of the United States are legal. Therefore, gambling on websites located in areas like Australia, the Caribbean, and Latin America is legal. Just be very clear that the site you are playing on is not based on U.S. soil.

Definitely Not Legal Forms of Gambling

It is never legal to gamble on a website based in the United States. Also, if you are planning to operate an online gambling site, stay outside of the United States. You must also deal only with casino and poker wagers (not sports bets) from people in the US. And you cannot take bets over the phone from people in the United States.

Accepting online gambling advertising is also illegal. If you are a small publisher, you are less likely to be prosecuted, but why risk it? As of early 2009, only large and mid-size publishers had faced prosecution. In 2007, the three big search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft) each paid a fine for accepting online gambling ads, but did not face criminal charges. Other publishers, such as Esquire Magazine, have been warned by the government not to take online gambling advertising.

Facilitating the transfer of funds to online casinos is also a bad idea. As of 2006, it became illegal for American banks to process transactions originating from or directed toward any online gambling operator. Because of this, several sites then refused to take bets from American players. But as the law seems difficult to enforce, it has not turned the tide completely for American players.

Still up in the Air

Do People Actually Win On Online Casino

Advertisers who promote sports books in magazines and on billboards may or may not face prosecution. So far, sports books have never been scrutinized for advertising online. And online casinos, poker rooms, and sports books have never been prosecuted for buying ads.

People Playing At The Casino

Online casinos and operators still accept American players. And international financial parties have continued to process their transactions. The legality is always changing and there have been attempts to declare online wagering against the law, but for now, U.S. citizens who simply place bets online are in the clear.

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