Red 7 is deemed as a card counting system that is best for card counting beginners or even blackjack beginners. But, that doesn’t mean that it’s an inaccurate system. On the contrary it is very accurate, very basic and very professional, which is why it’s great for beginners.
The best way to use it is to combine it with some blackjack strategy in order to gain an even bigger advantage. The Red 7 system was invented by the legendary card counter, Arnold Snyder, and you can read about it in his famous book called Blackbelt in Blackjack.
The Zen Count system, just as any card counting method, relies heavily on creating a running count. In other words, as a card is dealt at the blackjack table, the player needs to assign a value to it and then add the value to the sum of the values of all previously dealt cards. Sadly, to the best of my estimation, the Speed Count isn’t powerful enough or accurate enough to make it worth your while. If you’re looking for an easy, unbalanced card counting system, try the Red 7 or the Knockout system instead. Both are more powerful and just as easy to use. The red seven count is another widely popular system among card counters. It is actually a simple level 1 and one of the easier systems to use. There is a small difference in this strategy compared to many of the others and it has to do with the seven point cards. Cards between 2 and 7 receive positive values. 8 and 9 cards receive values of 0. 10 and up receive values -1. With a little practice, you can learn to count cards easily with this system. How to play Blackjack with the Red 7 Counting System? Along with the Red 7 counting system, it’s useful to know how to play blackjack strategies.
The Red Seven Count – How it Works

If you know how Hi-Lo works, you will be able to use the Red 7 immediately. Similarly to the Hi-Lo counting system, here too players assign points to different types of cards. Two, three, four, five, six and red seven are assigned +1. Ten, jack, queen, king and ace are assigned -1, while 0 is assigned to eight, nine and black seven. What you need to do with these points is to add and subtract them and when you have reached a positive count you can increase your bet safely.
The count begins by multiplying the number of decks with -2. For example, if there are 8 decks, your count will begin from -16. As cards are dealt you just add and subtract points according to their face value, and when the count reaches +1, +2 or +3 you can increase your bet. Also, the Red 7 comes with a strategy of when to hit or stand in situations such as: stand on 16 if the dealer has a 10 while the count is 0 or higher, stand on 12 if the dealer has a 3 while the count is 0 or higher, stand on 15 if the dealer has 10 while the count is +2 or higher etc.
Red 7 Count vs. Hi-Lo Count
Red 7 Card Counting System
The Red 7 count is much more accurate and favored compared to the Hi-Lo. With the Hi-Lo you have to make a rough estimate of how many decks are left in order to convert the running count into a true count. With the Red 7 you get the true count from the very beginning. Also, the principle of the method ensures that the decks are favorable until you reach the moment when you can increase your bet, and there is very little chance that you will fail.
Summary of the Red 7 Card Counting System
The Red 7 can be learned quickly because it is simple, although there are advanced versions of it. According to Snyder, you will have an advantage in 80% of the cases, and you will make less mistakes because you don’t have to memorize anything or convert the running count, thus your card counting will be more accurate. Nevertheless, begin with the basic Red 7 by practicing home with multiple decks. Doing that while playing for real money would be a bit foolish.

Simple Card Counting System
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